Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Star of the Day "Thejewelryshop"

Name: Amy

Company: TheJewelryShop

State/Location: Florida

What motivates or inspire you to do crafting?

I love to take pieces and parts and see what I can make from them. I love jewelry of all kinds, so it's really fun to make my own. The best part is when the piece is finished and I can see the results - I don't always know where a design will end up when I start it.

Given today as a day you can do whatever you like, how would you spend today?

I would spend time with my family, make jewelry, and go shopping at the thrift stores to see what goodies I could find. I love looking for vintage components. I also love to go to the beach, but to get all of that done it would have to be a very long day ;)

What are your favorite designs/creations?

My favorite creations are my pendants and my knotted necklaces.

Where can they see your crafts and designs?

What’s the best customer service you can offer?

I always try to answer all questions promptly and keep in touch with my customers. I respond with a thank you email when I receive the order and notify them when their item ships. I know these things are important to me, so I try to give the type of service I would like to receive.

What’s your hopes and desire for your crafting?

I just hope people like my pieces as much as I enjoy making them.

Can you share a message to fellow crafters/artisans?

If you want to sell your items online, don't get discouraged if the sales take time. Every new shop must build a following and as much time is usually spent in promoting your shop as in creating your items. People have to know you are out there before they can buy from you.


  1. Great advice! It was great to learn more about you and your business! Thanks for sharing

  2. Thank you for making me a star of the day.
