Monday, March 9, 2009

Andrea Wagner Company-Star of The Day


Beautiful scarf made of green italian nylon and brown italian acrylic(eyelash)I knitted these two yarns together ; the fringes are ribbon yarn.Measurement are: Length: 66 inches. Width: 9 inches. Fringes: 9 inches.This scarf is so soft, light and warm. It can be used with a pair of jeans or with an elegant coat or jacquet.

The Star of the Day Name: Andrea Wagner

Company: Andrea Designs

State/Location: Texas

What would you like to be known or recognize as a crafter/artisan?

That I create for women to feel pamper and to look beautiful

What motivates or inspire you to do crafting?

Color, texture of the materials. In general, I see a yarn and I am visualizing in my mind what combination or product I can create

Given today as a day you can do whatever you like, how would you spend today?

Sleep late, eat and watch tv

What are your favorite designs/creations?

All of them, at the time I design a product I must be happy with the end product

Where can they see your crafts and designs?

What’s the best customer service you can offer?

I will work with my customer until she is happy with the product she bought from me.

What’s your hopes and desire for your crafting?

I would like to dedicate 100% of my time to my craft, and to be recognized it for everybody.

Can you share a message to fellow crafters/artisans?

That we need to continue doing what we love to do, not only for a monetary remuneration; but because we feel good creating, and our creation is making another person happy.

Marilou: It has been a pleasure having you for this special interview.

Andrea: Thank you again,

Andrea Wagner


  1. Marilou,
    Thank you so much for the opportunity to show my craft.
    Andrea W.

  2. Your designs are gorgeous. You really put a lot of hardwork on them.
